I challenge Democrats - and Republicans - to propose radical income tax cuts or to support the MN Fair Tax (aka MN income tax removal or ITR) as a counter attack to the recent assault on fiscal responsibility, consensus-based policy-making, and purpose-driven policy-making by House File 2800, vetoed last week and over-ridden by the House on February 25, 2008, thus making it law.
Income Tax Removal embraces non-MNChamber small business owners and their children and is in the spirit of the state and federal Fair Tax proposals. Let's review Mr. Jason Lewis' MN Fair Tax introduced in the fall of 2007. The MN Fair Tax abolishes the income tax and phases out the entire MN income tax collection process. All deduction schemes and deduction-based incentives are made irrelevant. To replace the funds a 8.94% sales tax across the board (including, for the first time in MN, food and clothing) is imposed. According to House Research, such a sales tax will adequately replace funds lost by abolishing completely the MN income tax. The downside is large families are hurt because of the many individual items they buy to protect and feed their kids. However the parents' work will counter the effect. Also border-retailers and dealerships are hurt because potential customers will visit the neighboring state for the products they buy. However, 8.94% is not that much more than many states' sales tax and 9 other states share the belief that work should not be taxed.
The sensibilities of the Minnesotan people, having proven resilient in the face of HF2800, would likely survive and our state would be the better for it. MN Income Tax Removal (ITR) would help move working families from welfare to work. Consumption is taxed while Work is held high and encouraged for all MN to benefit from in the form of new products and services, jobs, and apprentice-style education.
As Baby Boomers age, a disturbing trend can perhaps be seen in the regressive HF2800 - the movement to seek job security in government. The ITR is a crucial component to caring for Minnesota's aging population and dealing with the current demographic trends. The ITR will help retain Minnesota's vigorous business climate.
Note that expansion of the sales tax into the internet realm is not what the ITR movement is about.
Winning the HF2800 Transportation Tax battle was critical to the conservative movement. However if Minnesotans are as impervious to radical change as we saw demonstrated yesterday, then why not pursue the MN Fair Tax?
The spectacle of Senator Steve Murphy prowling the House floor cramming HF2800 down our throats should scare you to DEATH! This is a call to ACTION! Let's support the MN ITR!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
GOP Endorsing Convention - 65B Downtown St. Paul, West Side
If you are a delegate or alternate in 65B, I ask for your support Thursday February 28 at 7:00PM at the
HD 65B GOP Endorsing Convention
Thu Feb 28
7:00 PM Capitol Hill Magnet School
560 Concordia Ave
St Paul MN 55103
Thank you for your support of my campaign for State Representative.
Watch http://www.looktruenorth.com/ for updates to all things GOP this year!
Best Regards,
Jamie Delton
If you are a delegate or alternate in 65B, I ask for your support Thursday February 28 at 7:00PM at the
HD 65B GOP Endorsing Convention
Thu Feb 28
7:00 PM Capitol Hill Magnet School
560 Concordia Ave
St Paul MN 55103
Thank you for your support of my campaign for State Representative.
Watch http://www.looktruenorth.com/ for updates to all things GOP this year!
Best Regards,
Jamie Delton
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Real ID for Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and South Carolina - Uh Oh. What do we do now?
Uh Oh. What do we do now? - Real ID for Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and South Carolina.
65B House Rep (downtown St. Paul and the West Side) Carlos Mariani's bill would put us in the same boat as these 5 states.
Five states have passed legislation absolutely refusing to comply with the new federal guidelines. At this date, they are: Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and South Carolina. As the Real ID program is presented now, travelers from these states will be denied boarding at the nation's airports using a drivers' license as identification.
In addition to the inconvenience foisted on the travelers from the five states that have rejected the program, Gurley foresees other difficulties at the airport. These include:
Delays at the gate caused by travelers who will not have gotten the word and who will be denied boarding.
Confusion on the part of personnel who must determine at a glance, or computer reference whose license can be accepted.
Further stress on the already overburdened passport process by travelers who must now get a passport to travel domestically.
The REAL ID program will rely on yet another government data base comprised of information taken from state drivers' license data bases.
Minnesota need NOT become one of these few misguided victim states at the hands of Carlos Mariani.
Minnesota must NOT pass any restrictive Real ID proposals limiting the Minnesota Department of Vehicle Services (DVS).
The Minnesota DVS is a national example of how Real ID upgrades can be achieved in an economical, well thought-out way.
Another example of pointless opposition to Real ID which includes routine technical upgrades to the nation's infrastructure:
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sept 11, 2007 letter to 2007 Caucus Attendees
Below is a letter sent out last year
Dear 2007 Caucus Attendee,
Thank you for your participation this year in the 65B GOP caucus and convention.
Next year at least two Republican candidates will vie for the delegates' support at the GOP convention for the November 2008 65B Minnesota House of Representatives race.
The Republican Caucus next year is at 6:00 PM Tues Feb 5th 2008 at St. Paul Technical College.
I, Jamie Jeffrey Delton, 40, a 1987 St. Paul Technical College Alumnus and Database Specialist at IQ in Edina, am challenging Lisa Murphy, owner of Park View Cafe in St. Paul who won the 65B GOP endorsement last year and ran unsuccessfully against the democratic incumbent, Carlos Mariani.
If elected with your support, I will help preserve the core Republican values - Home, God, and Country. If not I will fully support the endorsed nominee.
A short biography is below.
I've been a Minnesotan since the 6th Grade at Hancock Elementary in the Midway neighborhood.
My mother and father married in St. Paul and eventually settled in the Wisconsin town of Tomah (Fort McCoy, Camp Douglas) where my father got a job as a school counselor. By that time he had finished his Doctorate in Psychology. My mother's roots go back to various 1870's German farmsteads in the Randall and New Ulm regions through the Alfred Jaschke and Gertrude Walsdorf families, my mother's father and mother. My father, an orphan, had changed his name at 16 from Quintero to Delton in Boys town, Nebraska for the purpose of getting a better job. My mother Judy, taught elementary school at St. Luke's in St. Paul and elsewhere. After a 1973 separation from my father my mother moved to Hudson WI and then back to her roots in St. Paul where she supported my 3 older sisters and me by writing children's books, including the Pee Wee Scouts, for which she was named a defendant along with the publisher in a trademark infringement case brought by the Boy Scouts of America.
My mother passed away December 31 2001 and my father on August 4 2005*.
I was always interested in computer work and finally got my chance in 1996 with Dahl Consulting where I contracted with various Tech firms doing programming work.
I joined IQ, a Minneapolis marketing firm, in May of 1998. Prior to that time I was on the maintenance staff at St. Paul Academy while attending various courses at the University of Minnesota to go with my Electronics Technology Certificate obtained at St. Paul Technical College in 1987.
My hobbies include digital photography, snow boarding, roller-blading, writing blog posts, and reading history. I maintain a private computer lab on Como Avenue for programming and ebay activities.
I have attended Unity Unitarian Church on Holly since 1985 despite the left-leaning politics of the Unitarian national board. It is my one concession to liberalism and I must say I enjoy the challenging conversation. However Unity may be the most conservative Unitarian Church in the metro area. Until recently Unity had deliberately separated itself from the national board by not meeting the contribution requirements.
I bought my condo at 385 Laurel Ave #108 in February of 1993 and served on the board. I eventually was elected president of the Tazewell Homeowners Association Board of Directors and served for the period 2003-2007.
In 2007 I underwent rigorous training at the Leadership Institute for two days in preparation for this campaign.
An issue close to our hearts is the largely unheralded sacrifices being made daily by our brave soldiers for the security of our nation in Iraq, and their successful execution of Bush's global strategic vision (the War on Terror).
Needless partisan legislation such as Democrat Carlos Mariani's SF984 and HF1438 prohibiting Real ID from being implemented is counter-productive. The senate bill that remains in committee may very well go to the governor next year or in 2009. Either scenario would unnecessarily restrict the Minnesota Department of Vehicle Services - DVS.
I will work with DVS to make implementation of the Real ID mandates, which includes important infrastructure upgrades, possible. If necessary I will affirm legislatively Minnesota's commitment to the spirit of the May 2008 Real ID mandates.
Locally, I will work hard to ensure adequate healthcare for seniors and ensure benefits for Iraqi veterans while at the same time helping to restore financial accountability. I will educate on flood plain and river issues and help revitalize downtown St. Paul still further. I will take steps to attract people and businesses to downtown St. Paul by working within established guidelines with the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, building groups, and others on a bi-partisan basis.
Although this is a state race, let me list the issues of the National Republican party which I will be cognizant of: Life issues, Gun Rights, Homeland Security, healthcare for seniors, benefits for Iraqi veterans, Real ID, Middle-East foreign policy, Immigration, fiscal responsibility, Ethanol, dependence on foreign oil, global electronics issues, and conservation of Minnesota wilderness.
Minnesota Republican bloggers are the voice of reason in the immigration issue and hold others accountable for abetting weak immigration enforcement. We must educate others on the immigration enforcement problem, enforce the borders, and regain trust. If elected I will work with local companies that have come to depend on the labor of illegal immigrants. I have always been anti smoking-ban.
Visit my campaign blog at www.JamieforStateRep.com for the latest details on the Saturday counter-protest and other issues I am posting about somewhat regularly. Email me anything at Jamie.Delton@GMail.com or call my cell at 651-224-6564.
I respectfully ask for your support at the Republican convention next spring should you seek and be appointed a delegate by Lori Windells, the BPOU head, on February 5th. Please let her know of your support for me or contact me with any concern. I look forward to hearing from you.
Jamie Delton
Summit University neighborhood, St. Paul, MN 55102
Tel. 651-224-6564
* Corrected Date of Death
Dear 2007 Caucus Attendee,
Thank you for your participation this year in the 65B GOP caucus and convention.
Next year at least two Republican candidates will vie for the delegates' support at the GOP convention for the November 2008 65B Minnesota House of Representatives race.
The Republican Caucus next year is at 6:00 PM Tues Feb 5th 2008 at St. Paul Technical College.
I, Jamie Jeffrey Delton, 40, a 1987 St. Paul Technical College Alumnus and Database Specialist at IQ in Edina, am challenging Lisa Murphy, owner of Park View Cafe in St. Paul who won the 65B GOP endorsement last year and ran unsuccessfully against the democratic incumbent, Carlos Mariani.
If elected with your support, I will help preserve the core Republican values - Home, God, and Country. If not I will fully support the endorsed nominee.
A short biography is below.
I've been a Minnesotan since the 6th Grade at Hancock Elementary in the Midway neighborhood.
My mother and father married in St. Paul and eventually settled in the Wisconsin town of Tomah (Fort McCoy, Camp Douglas) where my father got a job as a school counselor. By that time he had finished his Doctorate in Psychology. My mother's roots go back to various 1870's German farmsteads in the Randall and New Ulm regions through the Alfred Jaschke and Gertrude Walsdorf families, my mother's father and mother. My father, an orphan, had changed his name at 16 from Quintero to Delton in Boys town, Nebraska for the purpose of getting a better job. My mother Judy, taught elementary school at St. Luke's in St. Paul and elsewhere. After a 1973 separation from my father my mother moved to Hudson WI and then back to her roots in St. Paul where she supported my 3 older sisters and me by writing children's books, including the Pee Wee Scouts, for which she was named a defendant along with the publisher in a trademark infringement case brought by the Boy Scouts of America.
My mother passed away December 31 2001 and my father on August 4 2005*.
I was always interested in computer work and finally got my chance in 1996 with Dahl Consulting where I contracted with various Tech firms doing programming work.
I joined IQ, a Minneapolis marketing firm, in May of 1998. Prior to that time I was on the maintenance staff at St. Paul Academy while attending various courses at the University of Minnesota to go with my Electronics Technology Certificate obtained at St. Paul Technical College in 1987.
My hobbies include digital photography, snow boarding, roller-blading, writing blog posts, and reading history. I maintain a private computer lab on Como Avenue for programming and ebay activities.
I have attended Unity Unitarian Church on Holly since 1985 despite the left-leaning politics of the Unitarian national board. It is my one concession to liberalism and I must say I enjoy the challenging conversation. However Unity may be the most conservative Unitarian Church in the metro area. Until recently Unity had deliberately separated itself from the national board by not meeting the contribution requirements.
I bought my condo at 385 Laurel Ave #108 in February of 1993 and served on the board. I eventually was elected president of the Tazewell Homeowners Association Board of Directors and served for the period 2003-2007.
In 2007 I underwent rigorous training at the Leadership Institute for two days in preparation for this campaign.
An issue close to our hearts is the largely unheralded sacrifices being made daily by our brave soldiers for the security of our nation in Iraq, and their successful execution of Bush's global strategic vision (the War on Terror).
Needless partisan legislation such as Democrat Carlos Mariani's SF984 and HF1438 prohibiting Real ID from being implemented is counter-productive. The senate bill that remains in committee may very well go to the governor next year or in 2009. Either scenario would unnecessarily restrict the Minnesota Department of Vehicle Services - DVS.
I will work with DVS to make implementation of the Real ID mandates, which includes important infrastructure upgrades, possible. If necessary I will affirm legislatively Minnesota's commitment to the spirit of the May 2008 Real ID mandates.
Locally, I will work hard to ensure adequate healthcare for seniors and ensure benefits for Iraqi veterans while at the same time helping to restore financial accountability. I will educate on flood plain and river issues and help revitalize downtown St. Paul still further. I will take steps to attract people and businesses to downtown St. Paul by working within established guidelines with the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, building groups, and others on a bi-partisan basis.
Although this is a state race, let me list the issues of the National Republican party which I will be cognizant of: Life issues, Gun Rights, Homeland Security, healthcare for seniors, benefits for Iraqi veterans, Real ID, Middle-East foreign policy, Immigration, fiscal responsibility, Ethanol, dependence on foreign oil, global electronics issues, and conservation of Minnesota wilderness.
Minnesota Republican bloggers are the voice of reason in the immigration issue and hold others accountable for abetting weak immigration enforcement. We must educate others on the immigration enforcement problem, enforce the borders, and regain trust. If elected I will work with local companies that have come to depend on the labor of illegal immigrants. I have always been anti smoking-ban.
Visit my campaign blog at www.JamieforStateRep.com for the latest details on the Saturday counter-protest and other issues I am posting about somewhat regularly. Email me anything at Jamie.Delton@GMail.com or call my cell at 651-224-6564.
I respectfully ask for your support at the Republican convention next spring should you seek and be appointed a delegate by Lori Windells, the BPOU head, on February 5th. Please let her know of your support for me or contact me with any concern. I look forward to hearing from you.
Jamie Delton
Summit University neighborhood, St. Paul, MN 55102
Tel. 651-224-6564
* Corrected Date of Death
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